Monday, July 18, 2011

Trust In The Lord

"It's better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.
It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes."
Psalm 118:8-9 (NIV)

Have you ever been faced with a decision that you were having trouble making? The kind of decision that you go back & forth on for days. When i have a decision like that i am lucky to have two wonderful people in my life -- my husband & my best friend -- that i know i can always turn to. They'll hear me out & probably give me the same answer. They would tell me to pray about it & to trust God. How smart are they?

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart & lean not on your own understanding."
Proverbs 3:5 (NIV)

The best thing you can do when faced with any decision, no matter how big or small, is to take your focus off making the right decision & put it on the source of all answers. No matter what you decide to do, the Lord will still take care of you & He will accomplish His purpose for you.

"The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me;
Your love, O Lord, endures forever."
Psalm 138:8a (NIV)

I remember when i started ifrogcrafts, i had dedicated my business to God. I worked hard at creating products... cutesy products with a few inspirational items. One night, Hubby & i were talking & i realized that i had about 95% cutesy items & only 5% inspirational items made. I had been making the wrong decisions on what to make. I was putting my focus on "what would sell" rather that on what would glorify God. So, i rededicated my business to God & asked Him to show me what to make to glorify Him & deliver His message. Below is the first sign that i made after that rededication.

Since then, i have had more ideas for inspirational products than i have time to make them. God is so good! 

Whether you make the right decision or the wrong one, the Lord will be there walking with you, every step of the way, loving you & helping you. Take your decision to Him in prayer. Read the Bible. Then make the best decision you can. Sometimes the biggest decision is simply just to make one. Place your trust in Him & rest in the fact that He will meet you on whatever side of the decision you make.

"Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal me, who cannot save."
Psalm 146:3 (NIV)

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