Monday, March 19, 2012

A New Chapter

A couple of weeks ago, i talked about how we shouldn't shy away from commitment. Little did i know then, what God had planned for my husband & i. My husband is a licensed pastor. At the time of his licensing, we visited churches that were in need of pastors, where he would fill in at the pulpit. But after quite a few rejections, Hubby thought maybe he wasn't meant to be have a church. After all, you don't have to have a church to minister. Throughout the last couple of years, there was one church that repeatedly invited him as a guest pastor to fill in when needed. And recently, this church offered, & he accepted the position of pastor of that church.
This church is a very small church at this time. And the focus will be on growth. The first step is to start a Bible study. Hubby will lead the adult group study & i will lead the youth group study.

"Now what I am commanding you is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach!"
Deuteronomy 30:11 (NIV)
Recently, i read this verse in my morning devotion. And with this new assignment from God, i knew He meant for me to read this verse at this time. I do not have experience in leading a youth Bible study. But i realize that God will not call us to do something that is too difficult. God knows each one of us & knows what we can do. All we have to do is trust Him. And i know that not only is God commanding us to the tasks ahead to grow this church, but that Hubby & i are not shying from the commitment to obey.

We are beginning a new chapter of our lives next month. And i am so excited to see how this story unfolds.
I know i've kind of gone in a bit of a different direction today. But i am just so full of joy that i just had to share it. It's also another wonderful example of God's timing. He makes amazing things happen in His perfect time. One of my favorite sayings is, "When you least expect it, expect it." I've learned that's how God works.


  1. What an exciting time for you and your husband - many congrats on his new position as pastor, and I'm sure between you it will grow from a very small church to a very large one. Have fun with the Bible study!
