Saturday, May 30, 2009

Who's Show is it Anyway?!

I have spent a lot of time lately researching how to get my business some exposure, increase sales, etc. My loving & insightful husband gave me some food for thought the other day. Guess i should start at the beginning.....

When i began my craft business, i said that i was dedicating it to God, beginning with the name....ifrog crafts. (I Fully Rely On God) The original plan was to have inventory that brought glory to God. As i look at my inventory right now though, it's only sprinkled with spiritual items.

This past week, that began to change. The focus of my inventory will soon reflect that my business is dedicated to glorifying God. I was in the studio last week, beginning work on my original business & spiritual plan. I am excited to see where God will take things. I learned a long time ago that if i give it to Him, He will take care of things. I had gotten caught up in the cutesy, secular items & forgot what i had promised to do. God has given me this opportunity, & now a second chance at it. I'm so looking forward to working on new inventory that REALLY makes a statement!

So in answer to the question....It's God's show!!!


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