Monday, September 24, 2012

Don't Get Robbed - Part 2

"Keep your lives free from the Love of Money & be content with what you have, because God has said, 'Never will I leave you: never will I forsake you.' "
Hebrews 13:5 (NIV)

This verse from Hebrews tell us to "be content with what you have". God blesses us with so much. Yet, too often, we seem to still want more. We can become jealous & resentful of the blessings of others. How many times have you thought to yourself "it must be nice" when someone is sharing about something like a new home, a new car, an awesome vacation, a windfall, etc. As i think about this, i'm embarrassed to admit how many times i've done that.

When you compare & covet the blessings of others, you are not only breaking a commandment, you are also robbing yourself of joy. When we focus on what others have, we are silently questioning God's goodness. But, an attitude of gratitude brings joy. And thankfulness is the key to that attitude. When we choose to be content, over coveting, our lives become more enriched & we recognize our own gifts from God. Think of the things that you are guilty of coveting & compare them to what has eternal value.

"So we say with confidence, 'The Lord is my helper...' "
Hebrews 13:6a (NIV)

Another joy robber is busyness. Boy! Do i know about that one! Years ago, i had a poster in my room that read, "The hurrieder I go, the behinder I get". I know that it was meant as a reminder to not rush through things haphazardly, but to do things right the first time. But it can also apply to busyness. When we're "over booked", "have too much on our plates", or as i said this past summer, "my plate is full & so are many side dishes", it's very easy to get distracted from God's blessings. In turn, our joy can go quickly down the drain. When we over book, we can miss opportunities to "lie down in green pastures" so that God can restore our souls. (See Psalm 23)

"Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain."
Psalm 127:1 (NIV)

It's easy to say "If I don't do it, it won't get done." But the first verse of Psalm 127 tells us differently. We need to learn that sometimes, saying "no" can be a holy thing. Ask the Lord to help you say "yes" to the things that are needed & "no" to the things that distract you from Him. Listen to the Spirit as He show you the difference & reveals how you can become less busy.


  1. You share beautiful thoughts! I guess we all are robbers, at some point of time. 'Be content and be happy for yourself and others', will definitely make this a better world. Thanks! :)

  2. Thank you so much. The hardest part for me is saying 'no'.

  3. Hi there! I feel so bad right now. I was just going through my etsy conversations and found yours that said you used my art piece in your blog... I read it too quickly before thinking that it said in your treasury list. Today I find it was your blog and... I was so blessed by what I read. You have a wonderful view of what God wants for us, thank you for sharing this ( even though it took me almost three months to realize my mistake). Your post was beautiful and I needed to read it today, so thank you. Hugs and many blessings to you. Kelly
