Monday, January 24, 2011

Use The Right Tools

As a painter, i know the importance of using the correct brush to get the look i want. And i know the importance of taking care of my tools. But no matter how clean i think i get my paint brushes, i need to evaluate those brushes & replace them sometimes. There are endless tools for endless needs. 

Mostly we all get along pretty good in life. But there are times when life gets harder & we haven't evaluated the tools we are using. Tools like self-help books, talking with friends & leaning on their support, infomercials, even time on the internet can all be helpful. Don't get me wrong, these can be very good tools! But there are two other tools that can help us even more: The Bible & prayer.

"The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. 
On the contrary, the have divine power to demolish strongholds." 
II Corinthians 10:4 (NIV)

As we grow in faith, we need to look for passages in God's Word that we can use as weapons in our daily lives. So, when fear, doubt, anger, lust, pride, etc. show up in our path, we'll have the correct weapons from God's arsenal to take care of the job of cleaning our path again. Because unless we practice & apply the verses to our lives, it does no good.

Is there a certain struggle that you need to find a weapon for?  Try Bible Gateway. Do a word search for that struggle - jealousy, envy, forgiveness, etc. Write down the verse that really speaks to you. Post it, or keep it somewhere that you'll read it several time a day until it's committed to memory. (Don't stop now, keep going.)

You'll always have that weapon from God's Word with you. As God will always be with you & hear your prayers 24/7. Anytime, anyplace, any reason, God & His tools are available to us. How awesome is that?!

"Take the helmet of salvation & the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."
Ephesians 6: 17 (NIV)

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