Monday, January 30, 2012

Seek God First!

"But seek first His Kingdom & His righteousness & all these things will be given to you as well."
Matthew 6:33 (NIV)
The more we earn about who He (God) is, the more we learn how to give Him first place in our lives. But what are "all these things"? Paul tells us in Galatians:

"But the fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, & self control"
Galatians 5:22-23a (NIV)
But God gives so much more!

By giving God first place - putting Him first in your life - He can turn seemingly hopeless situations into abundant blessings & give you peace & joy. I've seen it happen in my own life. I've seen Him turn a pretty selfish individual, who had put God at almost the end of the "go to list", into the Christian woman that i am today. I'm not perfect, by any means. But i look back & i wonder how i survived my life before. The only answer i have is that God spared me. Only His grace is the reason that i'm still here.
One of the lessons that i learned from this journey is that by giving God first place in our lives, He takes care of "all these things". The things that we want, or that we need. If we remove ourselves from the process, we stop insisting that we do it our way. Instead, we learn to listen to God & what He wants; what He thinks; what He would do.
One thing that i've tried to achieve over the years is organization. Those reading this who know me are probably chuckling right now. I've always said that if i ever got it together, i wouldn't know what to do with it. And as most of us who sell handmade items, i always have a lot on my plate. My mind seems to be constantly running. "I need to do this, this, & this."  But last week, i learned to give all this to God too. To ask for His wisdom to prioritize & the energy to get done what needs to be done....not what i want to get done....what needs to get done. And you know what? I'm not overwhelmed & stressed any more. Thank You Lord!!!
As we learn to give God first place in all things, He will give us "all these things", including the blessing of a peaceful, ordered life that we crave. Today, ask God to help you put Him first in your life in all your say & do. Ask Him to help you quit worrying about all the things that need fixing or taken care of. Ask Him to help you trust Him in all these things. Praise Him & tell Him specifically how you will give Him first place.

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