Monday, February 3, 2014


The Olympic Games are fast approaching. And yes, safety is a big concern this year. But the Olympics are about the athletes. They have all worked tremendously hard to get to this point. They have endured more than most to achieve their goals. And many accomplish their goals of winning a medal. Unfortunately, some medal winners have been disqualified following their performances because of illegal drug use. Their goals were admirable, but their reasoning that the end justifies the means, was not. That reasoning contradicts everything that scripture teaches. God is just as interested in how we achieve our goals as He is in the goal itself.

"Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
1 Corinthians 10:31

Recently, i realized that i have not done my best, this winter to honor God. Oh sure i have kept up on my blog posts, but i had also set a goal to work on new items for my shop in a different style. but i have only added one new item to my shop. I do have another one started, but i have found excuses not to go up to the studio to paint. Why has this affected how i honor God? My shop & my work is dedicated to His glory. And i did not set the goal of working steadily on new pieces with God in mind. Even though i feel that He has led me to do this, i have not dedicated this new path to Him, nor have i asked Him to bless my work.

As Christians, we must first establish the primary motivation for our goal. Since my shop is dedicated to God, for His glory. I need to quit making excuses. Yes, with the rough winter that we've had here, & my arthritis, it's been very easy to make excuses. But with these excuses, i have not worked for God through my creativity this year, so far. Also, i have promised tithes & offerings from my shop to Casa de Fe, an orphanage in Shel, Ecuador. Therefore, i need to get painting this week, asking God to guide my creativity for His glory. And to bless my shop & sales, so that i can pay it forward in His name. 

Whatever your goal is - financial, physical, spiritual, family, etc. - you need to ask yourself if the major purpose is to glorify God. That is the purpose that we were all created for, so therefore, your goals must reflect that basic purpose. Be in prayerful consideration about your goals. Use common sense & seek biblical wisdom to see if your main objective is to honor God. You can never go wrong when He is put first in all things.

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