Monday, April 7, 2014

God's Love Can Empower You!

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one & only Son, so that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal live.
John 3:16 (NIV)

We all know this verse, but when was the last time that you really thought about the degree of love that God had for each & everyone of us, when He sacrificed His son to bear our sins. Yet, we still sin. Do you ever find yourself doing something that you know you should not do? I admit it; i do.

"His divine power has given us everything we need for life & godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by Hi own glory & goodness."
2 Peter 1:3 (NIV)

So true! He has given us His word to study & learn what we should & shouldn't do. But we do things we shouldn't anyway. The Bible says, that when we return to our vices again & again, we are like "dogs returning to our vomit". (Proverbs 26:1) YUCK!!! The thought of that alone should make us stop in our tracks before we do what we shouldn't do. So why do we return to our vices when we now that Jesus conquered sin our our be half? Sin has power & we enjoy it. It gives us something that we are searching for --pleasure,  escape, wealth, power, attention -- the list could go on & on. But sin always has consequences that we don't want. Unfortunately, those consequences don't over power the feel good moments.

So how can we overcome the sins that we have a love-hate relationship with? A powerful love! A surpassing love!! A greater love!!! It is the love that God has shown us when He gave His Son for US! This love comes with no hate, no guilt, & no shame. And the endless benefits - aka blessings - that are promised ARE delivered. This love IS more powerful than the allure of any sin. Immerse yourself in God's powerful love. Read about it regularly in His word. Drink it in. Pray for it. And see it work in your life. We can't help but love God back with all our hear, soul & minds. Immersing ourselves in the everlasting love of God, we become willing & able to walk away from our sins. Fill your mind & heart with God's Powerful Love & ask His forgiveness to the sins that you return to. And ask Him to empower your to walk away, with Him by your side.

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