Monday, April 25, 2011

Everyone Struggles

Whether you have a strong personal relationship with Jesus, or you're just "testing the waters", it's important to realize that every one struggles - not so much against flesh & blood - but against strong powers. Satan likes to blow smoke in our eyes, hoping to keep us blinded &/or confused. He's even successful at times in making us think that the wrong paths are the right way. Unfortunately, these wrong paths can lead to destructive behavior...addictions, hanging out with the wrong people, thrill seeking activities, etc. All of these can have dangerous consequences, including death.

"Do not be over wicked & do not be a fool -
why die before your time?
Ecclesiastes 7:17 (NIV)

We have all been created for a deeper love than the world has to offer. This world is full of trouble. Receiving Christ as you Savior does not remove the troubles from our lives. But He does make a huge difference. God will fill our lives with His strength & His wisdom to get through the troubles.

"In this world you will have trouble. 
But take heart! I have overcome the world."
John 16:33b (NIV)

One day a year, we celebrate Easter. And this year, it was yesterday. The day we remember what Jesus went through for us. The weekend before, hubby & i had watched "The Passion of The Christ". So yesterday, the images of Jesus' battered body, hanging on the cross were very vivid in my mind. But also, was the knowledge that Jesus overcame the tomb & rose from the dead. And even though, we officially celebrate Easter one day a year, we should be celebrating it every single day, hour, minute, & second of our lives.

Think of your life without Christ & where you might be. It scares me to think of where i might be. But it scares me even more to think of where i would be spending eternity if i hadn't accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. And the stronger my relationship with Him grows, the less troubling that life's troubles are.

Remember, Jesus will be Lord whether you accept Him or not. But by accepting Him, not only your life here on earth, but especially your life for eternity, will be so much more better. The wrong way paths will be easier to turn away from. And you'll be living for that deeper love that you were created for. 

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